January 29, 2013

Introducing My Newest Blog

If you are interested in flowers and gardens and would like to learn more about me, then please take a look at my newest blog:


I believe you will like it very much.

January 26, 2013

Backyard Birding class at CT Audubon Center

I've signed up for this free one hour class at the CT Audubon Center on Burr St in Fairfield. One of the things it mentions is learning to tell the difference between a house and purple finch, and this is something I really want to know! I do believe a purple finch was at the bird feeder this morning.It was beautiful!

Introduction to Backyard Birding with Scott Kruitbosch

January 4, 2013

Breakfast With the Birds

I came across a photo of this painting in an old issue of Victoria Magazine and immediately felt a connection with it. I sit each morning at my dining room table next to a large window overlooking the backyard, drinking a few cups coffee, watching the birds come to the feeders and planning my day.

Gabriele Münter, Breakfast of the Birds, 1934; © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

A peak at my morning haven ...

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